While she has moments of dare-devil-ness, she's still her little intellectual self. She is very curious and quite analytical, especially for a 2 yr old (an unbiased opinion of course). She asks thoughtful questions. She often asks "why do I take naps when it's not dark outside." While looking at a waterfall fountain in Vegas she asked "how does the water get back up to the top to fall down again?" She asked me where wind came from the other day and when I asked her if it was from trees sneezing she laughed and said "Mom, trees don't have noses, Silly!" Duh.....it comes from butterflies flapping their w
Our snowy Spring has got her bewildered; while I was trying to bundle her up to go outside yesterday she said "Mama, it's Spring, I don't need so many jackets and hats." She also notices all the "new life" like the "tiny green buds on trees" (thanks mom, she told me you taught her that).
She alternates making us laugh and shocking our socks us. She memorizes books then reads them back to her stuff animals. The other day while driving to a friends house, out of the blue she informs us that "tug boats can push and pull heavy barges and super tankers have to be careful not to spill any oil." Ralph and I just loo
ked at one another, mouths agape.
Ahhhh... now there's a better view, just 12 or so miles up the road at Red Rocks
Nora, Ralph, Jeff and I headed south towards warmer temps and met up with some of Jeff's buddies and mom and dad for a week of climbing. Mom and Dad drove what we affectionately called the "mother ship" down (their RV) and we camped in the desert for a week. Nora was a top notch little camper. She absolutely LOVED sleeping in the tent. Having her very own head lamp and sleeping bag were also topics of conversation that she was very proud of. We had a great time. Red Rocks is perfect for Ralph and I.....loads and loads of long, multi pitch, but EASY climbs......Such a key combination!

Ralph and I watching Jeff, Dad, and Nora
Nora, upset that we were too late to catch Mojave Max, the tortoise at the visitors center.

Wild burros at red rocks ----these guys made her forget all about missing Mojave Max.

Pink pig on one of his many red rock adventures
Don't worry it's bronze

Nora loosing interest in watching Ralph and I climb

I was the sole female spoiler of daddy day care at the mountain. Beer, Chili fries and hot chocolate, the perfect snack for little athletes and dads.

Ah ha, the recipe for a good hard nap....SKIING
She insisted on wearing her wings so she could "fly like a butterfly" on her bike.
While she can stand on her skis really well, she can't turn or stop or snowplow. She goes in whatever direction you point her and whatever way the fall line slopes. Pretend baking - oh so fun!