With Nora's help, I completed my first triathlon; she trained me well for the olympic distance Deschutes Dash! 3hrs 1 min. 5th in my age group. Thanks coach!!!

Well, although the calendar suggests we should be wrapping summer up, we're just getting going. We're still banking on plenty of nice weather, outdoor adventures, and ice cream.

Plumping up our wood supply for this Winter. Nora didn't especially like the noise of the chain saw so she sat and watched the wood, then Bean decided to sit and watch Nora.

Nora leaving the Deschutes county fair with Mt. Jefferson framed in the exit.

Riding the little canoes with her new friend the purple penguin that she found on the swings ride

We're the second to the last car. I wish you could zoom in cause Nora's enthusiasm is priceless.

"Hi little guy"

Another mother daughter hiking excursion. This is the snow pack of early August! We had an exciting glissade down the mountain....whoooooo hooooooo!

Little overnight on the Deschutes

Patio progress

Nora's first fish a finished patio