She's two! She's talking in full, occasionally grammatically correct sentences, learning to ride her kick bike, following complex instructions (let go with your left hand and reach up, now move your right foot up too), reminding me, nicely, to wear my bike helmet ("mom, please, your helmet too!") and toasting at the dinner table. She loves to help cook and clean, hide on top of the top bunk, play in her tent and with her doll house, and be chased ("Hey! hey mom, chase me!"). She'll tell you she's "happy" through tears as she's figured out nap and bed time are somehow related to her being grumpy or unhappy. She really likes to wash her hands and brush her teeth. More than once she's climbed up her little stool to the sink, still naked and dripping from her bath and said "wash hands?" She likes to stroll around with her, or anyone else's toothbrush, brushing her teeth here and there, then brushing the cabinet or Bean. She is tall and lean for her age, observant, a little opinionated and can be a little bossy if you let her. She surprises and amazes me on a daily basis, truly! Basically, she's a happy, healthy, curious, little sponge of a toddler.
I'm really falling short in picture taking; Nora had a great joint birthday with her Uncle Jeff, and I barely have any pictures......Sorry. Trust me it was a great party.
Toasting herself and Jeff
1 comment:
Love her!! Miss her! looks like she had a great 2nd bday celebration.
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